Blazontek as per its practice is keeping a keen eye on the Google activities and Spam reports by Google are very vital among these activities. Google gave its October 2022 Spam report after 11 months after it gave its last spam update. 

It is quiet a long time for rolling out a spam report. Google released its update on spam 11 months before. Google regularly provides an update on spams to maintain its quality of its search results. These spam update reports are very helpful in improving the functioning of all automated systems of Google. These automated systems runs continuously in the back to detect any spam in its search results.  Google update system is a fully legitimate system process file that is popularly known as Google Update Service. These are must have security measure for both system or smartphone users. 

But this time Google took 11 months to release its spam update since the last time it did so. It has done its last spam update 11 months before and has now announced it in the month of October 2022. Google gave the reason for requiring several days to complete this spam report since this spam update report was global in nature. Google said that this release is of spam report is global and includes every language. Hence this report may take many days to complete. 

During this time, very little movement was observed in the automated Google tracking tools. There was least or no movement in SEO chatter also. As a result, the ranking of the websites in search results either remained unchanged or with a very little movement during this period. Now, this update in Spam report release is not displaying much of activities and is affecting a very little percentage of websites. But again, it is too early to see the result after Google has released its spam report updates. 

The Google October 2022 Spam Update was launched on 19th October 2022 in the morning. This spam update report may take several days to roll out, as per the prediction of Google. It is expected that this report will help in improving the techniques adopted by Google to detect spam.  Google gave a declaration of either lowering the ranks of websites or removing them completely from search results if they do not abide by Google policies. Google can also penalize the spam techniques those are violating Google’s policies. This spam update is global in nature and is including all languages. Google also assured of doing refreshes periodically the spam report which may take many months to recover. This October 2022 Spam report update was released after the last report that was released in November 2021. 

Blazontek web development service is providing its service to its customers worldwide and its reputation and success is on its keeping a keen eye on spams. The websites developed and designed by Blazontek rank high in Google Search Engine results simply because of its highest quality maintenance and being completely free from spam. 

Refer to the Spam Update Report website.