Amazon is one of the biggest digital marketplace in almost all over the world as on date. The buyer gets his desired things through Amazon Search Engine Optimization evaluation results. 

Amazon evaluates the search engine results through its algorithm. This underlying search engine is known as A9. It has multiple parameters to compute the relevancy of all the products those are stored in Amazon database. It also takes into account the search queries as enters by the buyers. 

How does it work? 

How are a search query and a URL connected? 

The parameters those are connected are: 

How Amazon Search Engine Ranking takes place? 

Amazon has its own search engine. It has its own SEO. Right strategies adopted by sellers improves the ranking of the product, resulting into maximum sales. Right strategies adopted can bring the product on first page of the search results, where majority of trade takes place. 

What is Amazon’s A9 algorithm? 

A9 is the algorithm that ranks Amazon’s products, based on keywords, queries pr key terms as entered in the search box. It ranks the products based on: 

The Explicit group in product ranking takes care of:

The Inexplicit group in product ranking is responsible to measure:

Desirable factors influencing the product ranking in Amazon: 

These are, 

What to do to improve product ranking on Amazon? 

Apart from all these, you need to keep up with the trends and updates of algorithms to optimize your product on the list. Blazeontek is a big professional help if you are not finding the proper results. 

Refer to the Amazon SEO website